There is a goading there in liminal and deep space. There is a not-to-tell some wayward thing or set of things. Which is to transpire. Which is to go on. Which is to say, there is something going on that is the thing and that we don’t know what that is but that that’s OK. To know or be able to tell is only like a fraction of the problem. There are whole scenes transpiring in the mind’s eye. Getting fluctuated. Getting seen. This is but one of them. I am channeling, now, something like Terrence McKenna. Not really, but it feels like I am trying to. There is a way there is a wanting to escape from the esprit of the thing that is being said—the being said the thing, the not knowing either way. Trash bin words. All of them scathing getting tossed by. ¶ Fuming across getting variable sleep. The with-wash the wayward vagabond suspends in the sacred areyoudoneyets of the text ambling up stagnant walkers. Walkers’ entire heads only massive scanning eyeballs up the side of the mountain up the craggy face. There is no way really to tell, now. “Well oh dear, I hate to be unable.” But there is a messiness. The system you have created for yourself features a sum total of spiders’ legs divided by oceanic thrust. The surface area of the water so slight. Over our heads, like Jesus. The typewriter crawls over to the edge of the table where the writer sits, poised, on a strange trip through the inner self, sloughing off egos. A non-setter’s convoy ramps up to the edge of the maleficent face machine, projecting down from the sky. The letters to write are done in droves, hypothetically, in real time. The seven nautical sights. Harrowed flames bust. In coming down from nowhere, often. This is apparently the time. There is no way to tell, though. Again. The inner atmosphere sanctioned not to be a way out. Come up from the bottom of a pool screaming in the gray day. Not to know if this way’s our own. Not to know many things. The narrative breaks down. The angled grieves in the slow sphere going crazy, crazier daily. The half a way to no know. But I have heard you. I have come up from the nascent nothing to view the haphazard rights of things. All of this nonsense spacing. There is heaven in a little glint of dew. On the leaves of grass in the day, the story has been undergoing changes, and many of them are not remote. But an internal voice begins to wonder, What have I been suffering for? And the question rings true. There is no way of telling. In static shew or barren glow, the ending being nigh revels in nothing. It is just an ending. Not animate. Disembodied of time. The real question becomes, are you willing to try for a continuation? The lack of an answer numbs its surface—the surface of a way to displace oneself from the continuation. Time is moving on. But the horses the cowboys rode on to the edge of the cliff staggered there as if posing for an inchoate album cover, set apart. “The truth is,” says Nelly, “there ain’t diddly you can do about it at all. It’s just going on, right now. That’s the problem.” ¶ But what harping on what the chord was nedner secrets said it was not involved. There was nothing more to the matter, it seemed. Left and right, words were making way for nothing to transpire. Can you tell I am in my sacred era? Up and away, plants bend toward the light. There was a running game that was going on in the back of my mind just recently. Heaven-or-Hell’s width was winning over the cantripping scientists to their newly acquired real-estate. The beginnings of a mouth from the projection in the sky says, “Hey, can you hear me now?” There is still nothing really going on. But a lot of things, too. In a way that is all sacred. There are words being formed on the page whether they say much or not. And who was Nelly? The questions old embroglio asks are pointed in the direction of reason, and strained. There is half the way to a cheeky center’s plight. Not at all handed down. But become, a way. What most of this amounts to is really just speaking in tongues. Not directing an understanding this way or that, but really just practicing patience. There is a rile driving away the Bellham twist. A city of words copulating. The adrenal glands revving up again to make a case for the reasons they are even there in the first place. The party going on with people talking about themselves and the other people being talked about. Not a stout reason, but across many agues divined. Slotted into the dominant rotary compartment, Leftist brains flying doors-wide-open out for the dragon’s claw the flame was too blue for. We had to dare mist with what all was there for. And to cross a plane not at all separate but begging for it, separation, we held in our breath and recanted the slightest drive north. How can you capitalize on the iridescent splits of a wild-one alleging right and braking, breaking? Genius mancala meres sporting up a dancing pipe to set away a lasting ocean, again, for the way there is transcendence in hype. Groveling plastic sea. Under the projection of the maleficent face machine hologramming the sky. Would you have been able to tell? Blasted sheaf perchance upended in a rightful splatter the scaling of grace. No concomitant darkness to sleep in. No eye-shattering ableness to rail the brief. Saying in doneness the not-so-wary lost mind could recant its problematic stipulations on the lifetime. To be blessed. Latter words in timed suns. Heavenly freight to load-wield. Honey-masking gracious blooms. Toured tar and living unhavered. Gloss over this, too.