Get in tune, Matthew. Nothing is barren truly. Only the heart you behold and its pumps and sad-powered vacant beats.
Get in tune, Matthew. Something is up with the moon, oh. Something is drowning inside you that you won’t even acknowledge.
Get in tune, Matthew. There is a There where it isn’t marred by you. It is soft and new and a long shot from Here wherever you are.
Get in tune, Matthew.
Get in tune, Matthew. I believe in you. I know you aren’t anywhere but you know you aren’t caring so why? Why Matthew? You love so much.
Get in tune, Matthew. You don’t know shit. You believe it is love but you don’t know the lot of it. You believe it is something you have but you simply don’t have it.
Fuck you, Matthew. You have brought this on yourself. You have cried, you have died, you have gone to hell and nowhere else. I believe you know already.
Get in tune, Matthew: get in tune. You don’t know anything. You don’t know even the first thing about anything.
You have brought this on yourself.
Get in tune, Matt-hew. You don’t know me and I don’t know you. Get in tune. Be a lost light on the edge of the dark. I don’t give a fuck.
You have plenty to be thankful for but it’s all words to you, so. What you do you know? Oh. You know nothing, so….
Get in tune, Matthew. You have spilt all your blood already, stupid. You have made it all a joke and wasted everything for nothing. You have nothing left to prove. You have nothing left. You have left.
Get in tune.
Be like everything you cherish and go away. Be like every self-fulfilled prophecy and lose focus and purpose and die there on the carpet where your patterns go. Be like the patterns and go ever inside yourself and die! fucker die! You have no reason to live fucker—die!
Oh and—Get in tune, Matthew. You’re pretty fucking shitty you dumb lot of wasted time and breath and words and so forth. You have no place inside your game and have no moves left to play. You have no words to move onward from and no actions to lease from the movement you’ve made thus far of what little you’ve done..
Oh and Oh and Oh and, get in tune—Matthew, get in tune. You have no idea. You were starborne thrusts of light leaving portions of yourself everywhere you moved and making waves that lasted hours at a second and you made nothing of it all you made little of everything you made, you made yourself nobody.
Get in tune.