Given over to the governance of time. What is this that is here and where is it going and what is going on, this time? There are books we can read. Some of them we read, some of the time. You cannot really judge. Cannot point any fingers. There is nothing to be gained. There is no judgement you could make with any sense to it. No. Though sometimes nothing make any sense, in a way. And there is the ability to wonder, yes, but not all the time, and not so well sometimes. There is the judgement on the ability to make time. Not to make sense. But it is there sometimes. and we wonder. And I know. There is a part of you still out there in the places of your memories feeling good feeling bright but also feeling bad feeling dark and there is the shade in the light and the light round it hot and there is a place to sit down and maybe rest some in the light of day and take on forever the ongoing sense of yourself being born there. Not to wonder too much, but every page you’d ever write is yes a part of your novel. Every little scene. Alternate perspective. There is a wonder, there. I know. You come on you take on another voice a new-but-the-same persona with a new name that sounds almost the same but is not. There is the ability to write, sometimes, a little bit lucid, so its sounds are kind to the reader’s mind and the eyes have a soft gaze and land directly on the words in the light. And a wonder there. Can it be helped? Can you land on the space you were just at when you landed here? Oh, now. I know. It is not always so soft sometimes. There have been many times many chances to do or say the right thing and still many times you perceive as having done or said the wrong thing, and having gone through with it. There is a wonder where we are going and what is to do with it. There is a wonder where we are now and what it means to be there; it is static and motional. There is is a “there,” there. There is a want to change the blankness into something and to know that nothing is never really necessarily what it seems, always deeper possibly. But with shallows and depths and things. Do you wonder why?
There is an attempt to write something that will land in a kind way to the reader’s mind and make them wonder. There is an attempt to write.