The Faith

Keep the faith. Just give yourself a little permission, now, to feel good about something you’ve done, for once. I’ve written a few pages for my fiction workshop and I’m happy to have done it. I’m not too proud of the words on the page, but, at the same time, I am. I am excited sometimes to just be alive. To just be able to read a few words and to write. I got the first two books of Cormac McCarthy’s The Border trilogy yesterday, from the used-book store. I love the way his writing seems to have more so the voice of a story than the voice of a narrator. Or maybe both. I don’t know. I just love the way it’s so refined, and well done. My professor today said, “Writing is rewriting,” and I really appreciated hearing that. I love the concept that it can be made better. That it can be refined or purified. Into the voice of the story or whatever. I was feeling broken down today, and just now, reading back the thing I wasn’t too proud of, back home, I’m feeling a little better. I’m wanting to affect a good kind of change. I think that in large part that’s kind of what creation is: just changing things. Nothing into something. Etc. All that mess. I think, you can find something in that. It can really be good. If you let it be. I believe in that. Yes. Keep the faith.