All the Skittles in The Funk Down Mainstreet

Day bit Duke in the eyes’ other

when he

lay lit luke in some hot water.


Better on off-switches pill-brained.


Better is softer than Saturn in daylight.


Coda for the coal aftertaste of too much Coca-Cola.


When I birdwatch from the balcony

a warbling in the trees out there by those apartments,

getting wintered.

Want what a bird has in its fluency on the air.

Want what a soul needs.

Want what a soul has but can’t see.

That is some trick of the heart, I swear it I swear it I swear it.

God bred a race of bright things out of flint sparks with two sharp stones and a little bit of time.

And lo or what ever the fuck have you really been worn by the Big Business to delirium and stretched for lack of wanting to tear.

Low has the low has the bar gone. Oh no. What if it’s what your heart’s said?