Lee Rick’s O N E
I am having quite the time / getting fucked over slight- / ly faster than I’d like. / C’est la vie; such is life— / living current, feeling light, / because everything’s all right, / even, /
Even when I’m—even when I’m—when I’m poisoned from my chest /
down /
down to my toes, / I just lie down and / rise like a rose arose at dawn / when it goes—when it goes. / Then I’m glad / to feel bet- / ter again, again / I’m fucking glad. / I’m fucking glad.
Seven seven seven days in the week / in the week / but I keep my eyes focused / only in a sing— / single day, / single day, / single day. /
One sitting. / One sitting and I wrote. / Just enough / to be loved. / to be drugged. / by the smoke / that I breathe / in the night / like a sea of a high / so my sight / isn’t human / in the least / it’s the truth / it’s a light / it’s alight. / It’s a seam / that I tear / just to feel healed. /
Holy God, / is it living— / what I speak? / What I write? / Is it me— / when I read / what I write, / because I know / myself? / God, / do you read / what you write? / as I read myself / right now? / Editing the / parts that you hate / just to realize—wait, / this is me, what / I mean, what my / heart yearned to say—it should stay where / it is, where I / wrote it, at / least I will let / let / it until / I decide to erase what I wrote / on the fly, / because I can / and it means / what it means / to myself at least. /
Don’t you believe I can’t believe? / Is it the forest for the trees? / Was I the snow upon the peak? / Or the edge of your eyes? / Was I the first or the last / to have seen what was seen? / Every last shade of green? / Every blue of the sky? /
Lo ner / Last to be so ber / So lo / Cup but it’s over: / last drop in me. / A live with a life / Drawing broad around me. / Not alone, not right now alone. / Never alone, never ever alone alone. /
Only reading, you share / your sight. /
Damn, Dad. Gave me my eyes, too. So I love to see him. All I can.
Damn, God. Gave me my eyelids. So I try to dream. He could be.
And dream of what it means to dream, and see of what is here in me what’s here to see.
And see to it I cannot fall, when I’ve just slipped.
And see how I’m an elephant, that way.
And see.
And see.
And see.
I spread a lily pedal ley on my chest.
And lay a slate the sun baked—in the long grass.
So I could see the pale its plant cells left, where they had felt.
I smoke ssssssss.
Kick. Waddle. Trip. Stop.
Buck-. Et my. Foot. Caught.
Comes. Off like. But-. Ter.
Go. Stretching. Mid-. Walk.
[… porque, mi infinito no es el único]
If I’m feeling fucking great. There’s a smile on my face.