The Fear of The Will to Strike

In many ways no one will understand you. That is to be taken in stride. A part of being a human being alive. There is time, though, to follow through with your dreams somewhat—however aware of their presence—and to watch as what you make is brought into the place for which there is reason to alight things. And to alight. It can truly be beautiful, I believe, should you allow it to.

For much of me there is a fear of the will to strike. While the iron is hot. While whatever is whatever, whatever. But you get I hope my drift, a bit, here. There is reason to act on the impulse which sees there is a way when there is a way.

I have a lot of writing I want to do. And a novel I want to work on. I won’t get anywhere with that if I spend all my time worrying about what I’m doing. This is where that “Do or do not; there is no try” comes into play. At a certain point it becomes a channeling, a dictation, a flow state of symbols. It ought to, anyway. You have to let the work take over you. You have to die and be reborn. That is at least part of it, I think. I feel like I’ve died. And maybe I’ve been born again. Either way, I’m not the same in some part of myself. Maybe. I just wish I knew better which way was the right one to go. But I am alive. I ought to cherish that and create. That is what I think I’ll do, now. Thank you for taking the time to relate.